Dont Buy1. 3-9 hour patch 2. Not enough changed for an expansion pack. 3. STABILITY IS STILL BAD
User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield 2: Special Forces PC
You look at this game and say wow a l33t sequel to a l33t game. Well it could have been. Just the stability issues held it back. Guess who released a beta for a final...again. I am just mad cause all the money i spent. I still like the games. This is one of those games you get a paint ball gun to shoot at it when your friend throws it in the air when you say "pull". Sadly thats more fun then trying to get the game to work and writing endless emails to EA saying "help this game is going to a blue screen" Yes, I wrote that a week after the game came out and i do not have a response a month later.