On paper it's great but when it comes to playing, theres just something missing. Not a bad game but it has no soul...
It has all the gameplay there and is great fun if you like BIG warfare with vehicles and even sometimes just gun fights which can be fun. However BF games were designed for vehicles in mind so i'd prefer to go play CS for just gun fights. The guns however feel very boring and unsatisfying, when you fire them they don't feel like real guns or that your holding them. On CS the guns just have a very meaty feel but on this game they don't. Which leads me onto my next problem..... it doesn't feel like your hitting a target, theres not hitboxes aswel so that makes things worse. Feels like your just shooting at mid air and you get so sense of satisfaction like you do when you kill someone on CS. A lack of modes aswel really bothers me, you just get bored of the same old one all the time.
I felt the maps were all badly designed too, pretty generic and felt like a map generator did all the work and it's not hand crated. Copy and Paste a few buildings theres etc etc....
I also feel the expansions split up the community and arn't worth the money.
They're showing signs of beign dated and i always thought the water and the shadows looked bad + so do the animations. They do feel really generic and make the combat unstaisfying. I also don't have a sense i'm really running like other FPS games or that i'm in the game.
Sounds are perfect and for me they're the best thing about the game. There is however a lack of music which BFV did sooo well.
It's ok for the base pack but if you buy the expansions aswel i don't think they're worth it.
In the end it'sa good game but it's just missing that something to keep me playing. It does feel pretty generic and has quite a few problems for me.