Just an expansion for the price.
Add up 8 new maps..and some special gears and weapons and vechicles and that's everything. NOTHING special.
If you want another 8 more maps in multiplayer, where actually even servers are very limited and doubt whether you could find a server suitable for your pings and playable content, this is everything.
I tryed only 4 hour in a month and fell asleep everything in the end.
NO SINGLEPLAYER..I know that battlefield don't focus on singleplayer, but couldn't they at least provide a solid one?
Minor improvement to the original game..
It is almost the most boring expansion I have played so far..congrulation to EA. Thanks again for crapping battlefield series..where I actually enjoy NONE after battlefield 2...where is that orgasm in originals battlefield?
NO more.
Let's see in battlefield 3, where it may be a breakthrough using frostbite engine, we shall see.