an awsome war game. battlefield 2 is the best fame ever. it is just simply amazing. everything about it from the single player to the multiplayer. if you start off the game just start of with some single player until you get the skills to go online and takle the pros with all the game strategy you have picked up. multiplayer is just revolustionary. each map can go up to a high of 64 players. thats just insane. i also love how there are soo manmy different vehicules in the game. from tanks to hummers to jeeps to aircrafts and boats. and also tons of kits to fulfil you
This might just be the best war game ever. Gameplay: The gameplay is the best ever made to be avalible to humans. You can choose between 7 classes to play as. They are Special Forces, Sniper, Assualt, Suport, Engine... Read Full Review
battlefield two is by far the best in the series. the single player mode is very fun do to the virtual smartness of the fake people. the Graphics is awesome. But it really depends on your computer. this kind of game wi... Read Full Review