The Swedish steel is the toughest around when it comes to massive multiplayer mayhem! Battlefield 2 proves that point!
Great deal for your money, Squad System, Map Sizes, Excellent graphics, Points System, Commander feature, Built-In VOiP.
The Bad:
Takes time to load maps, A bit slow to load with 512 mb ram, patches often bring along a bug or two, no in-game friends list. Game tends to feel a bit unbalanced when fighter-jets bomb everything and blow up everything in the air.
When releasing a game like Battlefield 1942, and seeing how much of a success it is and how loved it is by so many fans, taking the 2nd installment to the modern day era might be risky to some. But Battlefield 2 loses none of it's charm and improves on pretty much every way from BF42 to BF2.
The squad system is just revolutionary, it really brings random people together alot more than ever before in a multiplayer game. Being rewarded for certain team actions like healing, resupplying and all makes this game even more teamplay friendly which is just.. Awesome!
What makes Battlefield 2 so great is the action. BF42 felt a bit odd when it came to infantry action, it was all plasticy and such, but BF2 feels like a solid shooter, taken online and with 64 players!
What's also cool is that you can unlock new weapons, every point you earn in the game adds to your account and once you get a certain number of points, you can unlock a new weapon to use in the battle. Every kit has one unlockable weapon.
And you earn points by just helping. You can give ammuntion to soldiers who have been out and gunning for a while, heal injured ones, you even get points for sitting in a vehicle when the gunner kills someone, taking and assisting flag capture, flag defending, repairing base-equipment etc etc. There is just loads of ways to earn points. And since most people want to unlock weapons and etc, they will heal you and resupply your ammo stock since they want points! And this way, there is almost always a will for teamplay amongst the team!
What's also great is the maps, every map comes in three sizes. 16, 32 and 64 player versions. They don't differ in terms of design but more in base placement, flag positions which you must hold and take over and how powerful artillery strikes your commander can call down. 16 player is often just infantry based, you are given light transport vehicles and at most one tank. At 32 there is often a mix between infantry, vehicles and sometimes aircraft. At 64 there is almost always aircraft, tanks and etc. And there are about 9-10 maps or something and they all come in three sizes so it feels more like the double or triple sometimes!
And yes, artillery you say, that's new huh! One soldier on each team can become a commander, he has a map where he can tell his squads where to attack, drop down vehicles, supply drops (which replenish your health and ammunition and repairs damaged vehicles), UAV scans which reveals enemies on the radar and artillery strikes. The commander has direct access to all the squads on the team and can clearly see what kits they are using like Assault kit, Anti-tank kit and so forth, so he can put a squad with alot of anti-tank kits on attack to flank a tank that's inbound and set a assault-based squad on flag capture. Sure most squads don't listen but this is a great feature for those who want teamplay.
That said, the whole game is there, and so is the graphics which looks amaaaazing when bumped up to max. It just looks gorgeous and is just thrilling to play! It's sounds alot and alot better than it's predecessor, the game has alot of good sounds for everything. Nothing feels out of place except if you put the volume quality on Low, but heh, you get what you pay for!
So well, you like infantry battles, vehicles and just the feel and rush of a war going on combined with that Xbox 360 points hunt feel? You've got it all here. If you liked the BF series, you are going to love this, this is simply in my humble opinion the best MP shooter out there and one that is just tremendous fun with friends!
Bring your friends into a squad play and just have loads of fun!