This isnt just some awsome game like others this is Art that focuses on us!

User Rating: 9.6 | Battlefield 2 PC
So WW2 are so old so EA whent modern and it ROCKED! Tired of those old planes same old wooden guns that fire as fast as a pistol? Then this game is for you!
Awsome man just Awsome!7 classes plenty of vechiles and hundreds of options and possibilities! with up to 64 players WAR is awsome and its not that random war it has order! and its better to see a clean room then some dirty dog EA added this feature called "squads" with up to 1 leader and 5 members and theres a commander mode now who can send down a Car,supplies,UAVs and Artillary Strikes! but its kinda boring and you command squads however you can still fight like the rest commander or not there is a place for everyone!You've never felt the battlefield so alive! Voice chat feels like radio or walky talky on the battlefield! Communication is key! Master this and you rule the battlefield!there 7 classes awsome ideals like spec ops with the Powerful C4 and 7 unlocks 21 ranks thats right you can have a rank and gain experience! So what is bad?Awfully glitchy in the browser and in game but besides these errors this game rulez!
Awsome looks next gen! Helps keep the life in the game!
Its WAR! grenades tanks jets helicopters radio messsages they sound perfect!
its all the worth you want! even if you need a graphics card so strong its worth with almost unlimited replay value!
Get it! if you live in Europe that is. If your Asian you'll have one heck of a hard time looking for a server with little lag.BF2.BF2 Owns.That is all