Once you start playing this, there's no reason to stop.

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield 2 PC
This is my first Battlefield game and all I can say is that it is just incredible. I am a big military enthusiast and I love that this game uses authentic modern weapons and vehicles, especially the M1 Abrams! The chaos of this game is addicting! I haven't played many other games since I first started playing this game. There's no reason too. The weapons in the game are incredible and so are the vehicles and helis. The only thing I don't like about the game is the amount of realism. I just wish that when the Abrams fired at Russian tank, instead of two or three times, that it would be destryoed on the first shot like it's supposed to. But the vehicles are just great to drive around. Especially the FAVs. Those things are wicked. But so is the Abrams.

Another great thing is that it can be played online with up to 64 players. Which is just incredible from the lousy 16 players on XBox Live. But the maps are also made to complement such larges forces. The maps are ginormous! But luckily, there are quick vehicles to take you around the battlefield.

The weapons are great too. Everything from G36s to FAMASs to Javelins to TOWs is in this game. And they are all rendered very well. Along with everything else. This game is just amazing.

The gameplay is to die for. It is amazing, amazing, amazing. I just can't stop playing this game. I can't write enough good things about this game. I'm going to stop right here so you can stop reading and go buy and play this game.