Reports of spyware are false, but some bugs make the game a little hard to enjoy. A worthy part of the Battlefield name

User Rating: 8.7 | Battlefield 2142 PC
Despite what you might see floating around the internet, the reports and reviews that say the game has spyware built into it are false in their content, or are generally misrepresenting the game. The fact of the matter is that Battlefield 2142 is a worthy part of the Battlefield series, despite some bugs in the ranking system.

First, the bad parts:
--> The rank system is currently badly bugged. You'll find that in some cases, your soldier will not advance in rank. Since all unlocks are made available through points earned in rank advancements, it can make the game rough to play, since you wont be able to access special weapons or tools.
--> If you're running Windows Vista, you might run into some driver-related problems. Make sure your drivers are up-to-date, and you should have any problems.

Second, the Spyware issue:
--> You'll see it floating around the forums at EA, here at Gamespot, and in other various places that BF2142 has spyware in it. Despite what you may have read, these reports are false. Since Spyware is generally software that is used to collect personal information off your computer without your knowledge, the program that comes with BF2142 isn't that at all. It's been clearly stated on the card that comes with EVERY copy of the game that software doesn't take any information that is "personally identifiable", nor does the company involved (IGA, if your curious) ask EA for such information.
--> And for those wondering if EA plans to remove this program, don't look forward to it. According to EA in a news release, the program is integrated into the game itself. It's doubtful at best that they ever plan to remove it.

Third, the good parts:
--> The sound, is by far, the best part. The music is not notable is being great, since many tracks seem to have come from BF2. The sounds of gunfire, artillery, and other ingame effects are incredible, and remind me of Call of Duty 2.
--> The graphics are good eye-candy. New textures for new features are awesome to behold at first. The lack of a new engine means it's almost the exact same thing you've seen in BF2, just with cleaner and better looking textures.
--> Titan mode is lots of fun. In many ways, it will remind you of Conquest mode, as the element of controlling points remains. However, you wont run out of tickets until your titan is destroyed. Defending your titan or attacking another players titan are equally interesting things to do.
--> The character kits (Recon, Assault, Engineer, and Support) are all pretty much the same as BF2, but upgraded for the near future. The vehicles are strangely reminicent of Planetside, with VTOL jetcraft and bipedal armored vehicles.

Overall, the game is a lot of fun to play, once you get around the ranking system bugs and false reports of spyware. Once the ranking system is fixed, the game will become many times better.