You have to play it for hours to get into it.
Dissapointing Because: Single player has gotten a little worse, Gaps in the backstory and the graphics are getting a little old
In 2142 the ice age has arrived and its forcing to giant factions(the EU and the PAC) to fight over the last remaining land(North Africa) and there will only be one winner.
Firstly if you liked the previous Battlefield games or anything along the lines of it then you'll like this, eventually. Because really when you first start playing 2142 it will get a bit frustrating at times, what with no grenades, explosive ordinance, any way to revive team mates and other little accessories like that. But after you've been playing for about 30 mins to an hour you'll get your first unlock and you will really be able to begin playing. In some ways this kind of makes the gameplay a little slow and boring untill your first unlock but in other ways not having those accessories means your gameplay will be constantly getting better as you move up the ranks. And it could take up to weeks untill you work your way up to at least all the unlocks for your favourite class. There are some things that annoyed me about the new kits and unlocks: Unlike Battlefield 2 this game doesn't have an actual Special Forces class, instead it has a mix between the Special Forces and the Sniper to make a new hybrid kit called Recon. This is a good idea except Special Forces was my favourite kit and Sniper was my least, simple because I can't snipe. This is the same with alot of the kits being the fact that theres only four kits. The kits look something like this, Recon = Sniper + Special Forces, Assault = Assault + Medic, Support = Support, Engineer = Engineer + AntiTank. To understand this you would have had to have been a Battlefield 2 player or have known alot about the game.
The graphics and sound. Know the graphics and sound are good. The graphics engine is taken from Battlefield 2 which is a year old now, they still look great but don't quite keep up with the new releases. As for sound well I have the Creative X-Fi and it cost me a bomb, it was worth it because I'm playing with the sound quality up to ultra high but the sounds still don't come through as good as some games. But still highly detailed.
Single Player. Know the single player seems to have gotten a little worse since Battlefield 2 but since this game isn't really well known for single player they didn't really need to improve it. The AI seems to be a little sharper but there's only a tiny selection of maps, four or five.
As for killing people well thats gotten better. It now only takes a burst of well aimed bullets to kill someone so the firefights are alot more complex than going prone and shooting your entire magazine worth of bullets at the enemy. You know have to move from cover to cover alot more and use alot more tactics to flank and annihilate your enemy. With that said you get a great feeling of victory when you haul yourself out of a big firefight victorious. Infact even getting overun or retreating gets your adrenalin pumping and makes you fling around in your computer chair while your trying to make your charecter dive behind cover with all thos bullets bouncing off the floor and walls around you.
Know I said the backstory above and I mentioned in the Dissapointments section that there was gaps in the backstory to the game. Well these are the gaps. Europe and Russia are fighting over North Africa, so what do the North Africans have to say about all this? Wheres America, Chinea, Japan and the thousands of other countries in the world, PAC stands for Pan Asian Coalition but that just seems to be a cool name they gave Russia. There are other things but this reviews getting to long and I've still got one more thing to cover.
The Titan Mode. Titan mode will apeal to alot of you. The basic aim is to take out the other teams big ship that looms over the map, these ships are the Titans. To destroy the Titans your team must capture missile silos instead of flags, these missile silos shoot at the Titan once every 8 minutes, once these missile silos have taken down the Titans shield they while either keep fireing and battering the hull of the Titan until its destroyed or you can bored the Titan and destroy various computer consoles aboard untill the Titans reactor core is revealed. You then have to destroy the reactor core, once this is destroyed it gives you a few seconds to get off the Titan before it actually explodes, if you can get off of it in time you get bonus points. You will have to do this while defending your own Titan and all the missile silos on the ground.
Ok now this is the end of the review my final notes to are if you enjoy games like this or found what I put in this review has made you want to try it, you can pick it up for £34.99 since it is a new release. There some last things I will warn you about, number one: don't try the demo it doesn't do the game justice, and two the game comes with spyware that is effectivly harmless and I think Spybot and Adware can remove it. Anyway I hope you found my review helpful and happy gaming.