Poorly Done

User Rating: 2.6 | Battlefield 2142 PC
This game was released because EA didn't see any future in BF 2 , to beat Quake Wars, and to fill time before Crysis. Anyone who believes this is not a mod is just niave. In fact Crysis will also be probably a graphically beautiful version of this engine. Unforunately no innovations. Back to this game though, no innovations. There's and old saying out there , " if you can't dazzle them with brillance , baffle them with B.S. " Guess which path EA choose ? This game is graphically only slightly better than BF 2 , gameplay is the same , and the weapons are nowhere near anything 100 years in the future , not that I would know , just my opinion. Weapons comparision is pointless then. Vehicle criticism is pointless . If fact what it boils down to is the game is pretty well pointless since it meant to distract the EA fanbase from the fact that EA is bankrupt of ideas and innovation. This game as an added insult is a test bed for EA to run in game advertisement to make more money from advertisers . So they make their $ 50.00 frmo you and then X from various advertisers , that you must endure whether you chose to or not. Too top it off they collect and gather information on your habits and pass it to avertisers . There is no security system in place that will protect you from anyone determined to hack the system , ask any credit card company , the department of defence, hell EA can't even protect it's own games from being hacked before public release . This game was hacked in the Beta. To all those looking for the faintest glimmer of anything innovative from EA , save your money you certainly won't find it here.