It feels more like an mod more than an stand-alone title, it's not even to be compared with the great Battlefield 2.
- Graphics is not looking as solid as in the Battlefield 2 and it's eating even more capacity of your PC than before, over-powered vehicles and there's way too many of them, very few different classes and you start off with nothing but your standard rifle which makes you very vulnable on the battlefield. After I first played Battlefield 2 I started playing pretty much all my free time, the strategic approach was to most part simply amazing and the general design was superb, even though the airforce was severely over-powered. But in this game, the Battlefield 2142 everything seems to have become a huge mass of vehicle-battles over way too open distances. The fighting part never really impresses and the strategic point of the game is poor since there's no real places where you have to plan and/or use cover. When it comes a Walker vehicle (the heaviest Land-vehicle) you're screwed no matter what since you can't hide anywhere. The vehicles has become very wierd looking, I know it is Sci-Fi and not authentic stuff but it's just looking broken when a tank is just a huge square with a "Siege-Tank"-like cannon from the StarCraft series. The walker-vehicles controls is crazy, you get stuck basicly everywhere and you can't really tell which direction you're pointing at when you've spinned the cannon around a bit, the teamkill factor is frustratingly high. Another annoying factor is that the APCs seem to have massive weapons on every possible slot which can also point and shoot in about any direction with incredibly massive damage and accurancy. But as for the positive sides of this game, the new Titan-mode is what's really unique with this game compared to the previous installations. The ground-combat remains the same, there's strategic outposts to conquer but this time they're not just flags which drops enemy tickets after you achieved over 50% of all possibly flags on the map but this time it's Anti-Titan Missile Silos. These silos is the only way to destroy the enemy Titan's shield so that you later on can board it either using a air-vehicle or the Assault APC which is equiped with launch-pods. And to keep these silos out of the enemy hands won't be easy, but if you still manage to destroy the enemy titans shield and board it you'll have to destroy a number of different Control Terminals, pretty much like in the C&C Renegade, in order to gain the possiblity to approach and destroy the reactor core. Once the reactor is taken down you'll have to evade the titan in a couple of seconds and your team has won the round. I wouldn't recomend this game to anyone except those who are huge fanatics of the Mech Warrior series. The game feels cracked up if you're a Battlefield 2 fan, so I suggest you to stick with BF2 and not get this game, at least not until they've fixed it but I doubt they will... It's still EA Games we're talking about.