some very...let's say...Do Lung bridge (from Apocalypse now) moments.

User Rating: 7.2 | Battlefield 2142 PC
Battlefield 2142 at first really doesn't impress. It looks like BF2, artillery strike is now sharpied out and replaced with orbital strike, there are 4 classes instead of BF2's 7, and I now have to unlock **** that I used to get 0-day. That plus the "we're installing spyware" insert in the box was giving a real "terror from the deep" vibe. But ultimately the changes that are present are well thought out, and to be honest, there's more spectacular carnage going on in populated servers of 2142 than even the best BF2 servers.

One major but totally under reported change to the game is you now more or less you create new "characters" for each of those 4 meager classes. You'll get unlocks frequently during your "lower levels" and you can pretty much exhaust any branch of the tree in I suspect around 2 hours of play. After that though it slows down, but since if I want to create a sniper class, I can just create a new "character". The more I play them, the better they get in non-branch skills like sprint speed, extra grenades, etc, so if I specialize, I'm still rewarded. Once you start playing like this, you don't really miss anything that's now unlockable but used to be available at start.

The titans turn out to be pretty bad ass. Controlling their movement is easily the most potent new commander ability. The underside of these things is covered in 4 batteries of the equivalent of 8x bf1942 artillery rounds. The commander can easily park this thing over any one command point and obliterate anything that gets close to it. Watching an enemy try to contest such a titan controlled location with their own titan leads to some very...let's say...Do Lung bridge (from Apocalypse now) moments. The more you play, the more you catch the bizarro features like machines guns getting more accurate the longer you fire them, the little portable UAV unlock that squad leaders can choose. There are these little portable shields that are actually pretty good at stopping bullets, but because they're glowing, unambiguously give away your position, you can't be near them. Using them for misdirection ambushes though is an art form worthy of its own post.

So, overall, what could dismissively be called "BF: Vietnam" of the BF2-generation, turns out to be a solid half-step forward for the genre.