Difficult to accept for a Battlefield2 veteran but a sufficiently different game to get you addicted.

User Rating: 8.3 | Battlefield 2142 PC
I followed the hype during the development of this game due to my existing obsession with BF2 and downloaded the demo on the day of its release. I must admit I was very disappointed at first. There was very little advancement from the BF2 engine in terms of graphics, gameplay and most of all polish. Having said that I took the plunge anyway and bought the game anyway. Luckily I've changed my opinion greatly in the 50 hours I've spent on the game. I realised soon after playing the game that the demo just didn't do it justice. The level selected for the demo was one of the least impressive and most visually ugly. Also, it didn't feature the games strongest point - unlocks. The main trouble I had with the demo though was 'change'. The game feels different from BF2 and as a result is hard to accept. If you haven't played BF2 you shouldn't have a problem but if you are a BF2 Vet, Just give it a chance, you'll get used to it. For people who haven't played Battlefield before: This is online First person shooting at its best! The levels are huge, The graphics are impressive, the team play is refreshing and the atmosphere is perfect!. Some firefights are so intense you'll feel as though you're right in the middle of a Hollywood war film - Think the opening seen from Private Ryan. Be warned though, This game is difficult to master, you're first few hours of gaming will probably result in lots of death and very few kills. The game rewards dedication via a long learning curve and a weapon/item unlock system. You should be prepared to spend as much time on this game as an RPG like World of Warcraft. I've spent over 250 Hours on Battlefield 2 and still have very few of the Expert awards. For people who have played BF: The improvements to the engine seem subtle at first. Minor alterations to the squad system, HUD, Classes, unlocks, points and The extra game mode are all changes for the Better! The overall feel of the game seems less graceful and frustrating at first but you'll get used to it. I like to think it's due to the troops needing heavier armour to combat the more advanced weapons. The increased no. of ranks and unlocks make you feel like your making more progress than you did in BF2 and keep you gripped. The new Titan mode is great fun and is a welcome change of pace. The Point system now rewards team play massively and is very beneficial, I actually make an effort to find a team to now! Although this game is excellent I must warn newcomers to the series and BF vets alike - The game is very unstable at the moment. I'm told BF2 was the same during it's first months and I was hoping it would be different with 2142 due to beta testing but alas.......This game has more bugs that I've had hot meals. There's a patch coming out in the next few weeks (Nov 2006) which should help matters greatly. That said, you can play around the bugs and it hasn't ruined my experience so far. I've already got 50 hours under my belt in 2142 and I expect to log many, many more.