welcome to the 22nd millenium and Al Gore was right! so ha!

User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 2142 PC
If you ask any PC FPS player to name 3 titles synonymous with PC arena shooters 7/10 it will contain the battlefield franchise. the others not listed would be CS, UT and quake tournament. theres a reason battlefield is on that list and i will explain why.
A long time ago battlefield had its first game battlefield 1942 which broke from conventions of the time and made a WW2 shooter. It was a smash success despite its bad rap for being cold hearted. Its success is the reason we have the dismal medal of honor, and the mediocer brothers in arms franchises. battlefield maintained its iron grip on the shooter genre from constantly touching base with wars and areas that other games dare not go. that is the reason there so good.

battlefield 2142 does this in that it brings us a familiar game experience with a subject matter never seen before. There has never been a futuristic wartime shooter that DIDNT feature aliens, mutants and space ships. it delievers soundly on this and for those who bothered to read the manual know that 2142 is a result of our squabbling over resources and our currently enviromental damage. essentially they had Al Gore sit there and tell them what the world would look like if we carried on and survived the global freeze. and then they worked there magic on it to make it fun rather than hopelessly dismal.

The controls are dated, and the graphics do show their age nw and again but thats not the point, they broke ground, made teams much larger, and gave sumthing other than a gif for peoples signatures for ranking up. in fact currently the maximum ranking has only been seen never achieved and its over a few years old still (thats right no one has ranked out). at the current rate no one ever will really due to its age. battlefield 2 still has a decent community size easily outweighing its battlefield 2 brother on either console or PC. the upgrades are all useful and the game relise on organization and teamwork not lone wolfing it all over the place as we typically see in battlefield 2 games. in short this WAS the THINKING MANS shooter BEFORE GRAW 1 and 2. The reason this game gets poor ratings at all is because the franchise made people expect a game where a lonewolf had the same impact as a team player. which is wrong..very wrong.

mutliplayer is solid, single player bots AI is solid, graphics are dated true and gameplay is a bit familiar. but for being innovative in subject mater u get a 9/10 WELL DONE, and STAY FROSTY :)So this game is definetaly worth picking up and Al Gore and you other environmentalists out thre for prooving us wrong in a video game i owe each of u a virtual cold one, ill start right now *pulls out keg*,*starts pouring it into equally portioned e-pints*...