User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield 2142 PC
Battlefield 2142 is a game which tells about future warfare between European Union and the Russia-centered Pan Asian Coalition for depleting resources. The game also emphasize the global climate change. The mechanics of the game doesn't go far from Battlefield 2. They have just added a TITAN mode and few other future weapons e.g. Mech destroyer.

In my opinion, this game would be interesting to newcomers to Battlefield series, but for all those battlefield hardcore fans which have since played Battlefield 1942 to Battlefield 2, would not be satisfied how the game turn out.
It is not entirely ground breaking and it sometimes makes no sense in buying the game, if the gameplay/feel is the same as Battlefield 2. The new titan mode/ Mech destroyer is not enough sufficient reason to get the game.

To all Battlefield fans, you may add this to one of loyal collection in series or you can just skip it. And just hope that DICE and EA to come up with a better and innovative battlefield game.

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