The only true downsides include the people you verse online are dam good (personally MentalPlayers is the best AU ranked server, ranked servers are servesyou can play on that allow you to get promotion points) so this makes starting off hard. An other problem is how the medic assults unlockable gun (the Voss-LAR) does more damage than the damage assults one (the Braur) which is realy stupid, the damage assult should have the better gun when you think about it.
The games vehicles are so much different from the ones in 1942 and bf2 the game seems completly fresh. Yet thee isnt much veriety in vehicles because there are only 2 sides to play as so there is only there different versions the vehicles (eg the PAC walker and the EU walker)
Although it has its down side all-in-all it is a great game and lots of fun against the right people.