Great Game... LONG LEARNING CURVE, High Graphics requirement!
If you do have a friend or friends, or a clan, and voice capability, then you're set, whether you're in command, or just runnin as a regular soldier. Stay with your team and you're set. I've seen some amazing team tactics used by Clans and Teams on both BF2 and BF2142... and if you're using teamspeak, it gets even better. I have ACTUALLY seen a whole army act as one, at ONCE! Satellite Bombardment at one location, while 4 squads, attacked two different flags at the same time. I was on the OpFor at the time, and what amazed me was NOT the fact that it happened at the same time, but the fact that it took so little prep by the opposing team! Needless to say, the team of people I was on (who didn't know each other and weren't using voip) lost that round.
OK so that's my take on the gameplay... what about the Tech?
The sound is, decent... it might be better on my system if I had a 3d soundcard setup, but I find if you use headphones, the 3d sound still *sort of* works... alot of the gun sounds are slight recycled variations of BF2 but the in game radio sounds atleast have been updated, and the game now has the option to make sure all of these yelled comments are in english, which is nice. Loading times can be a bit of a pain on this game though. They ARE better than BF2, but still long enough to be slightly frustrating.
Graphics.... OK so here's my problem, I have the options turned down to medium or low, and with antialiasing on or off, I still get a weird pixalation on occasions. I think this MAY be because of lag, but still, when you want to see atleast SOME pretties, it's annoying.
Now for the biggest problem of all online games: LAG. BF2142 has a lag meter on each server in the list screen which is nice... the thing is, the game sometimes lags, even on fast connections? This can be annoying, esp when the game glitches, with running or lying prone... I mean, when you are sprinting along, happen to spot a sniper, and hit the dirt to avoid the bullet that is coming towards you, (as most people would do) then suddenly stand up and run three more steps (usually right into the oncoming bullet) it can be, frustrating. Truthfully, I am not sure if this lag is due to my computer setup (and wireless network) or if it's because of the game.
On another note, it seems if you crash out of the game, then log back on, you will find yourself getting kicked from servers for duplicate CD keys... simple fix, shut down the game (the normal way) wait 5 minutes and then start it up again. Amazing that EA can't account for IP ghosts. Oh well.
Still despite the minor glitches I've listed here, on the whole, with or without a clan or bunch of friends, this game still kicks @$$ online! I would definately suggest to anyone who can put up with EA and likes to play FPS online, should pick this one up!!!!!