Unlike previous boosters this adds a completely new feel to the game, value from $5-$12 really not bad...read more below
new unlocks are genial and coming this from me is not a small thing , I’m a very big critic of the BF series.. near every of the new unlocks is a great idea, although some don’t give you much of the good stuff … for example the new boots only give you a 3 second faster recharge from 15 to 12, same for the leader spawn time 12 seconds from 15, but the rest of the unlocks are really useful…
vehicle(s) : actually there is only 1 the speeder.. and it’s a great little vehicle, for 1 or 2 guys usable.. the goliath I see more like a mobile camp/fort, you don’t use the goliath to move from A to B but to defend a flag till its captured and then do the same at the next flag.. price and ealink : buy it on ebay, it cost less and you don’t have to deal with annoying showelware ealink.. I paid $8.81 (11AUD) on ebay directly and free delivered to my email address, then just used the 160mb setup.exe (downloadable with out ealink) to install it.. so I have to say at a prize range from $5-$12USD this booster has an excellent value , it feels like an expansion, in fact I doubt I will ever play NON northern strike 2142 ever again, as vanilla 2142 I think is really weak game as you can see in my 2142 review… so buy the booster it gives new life to you dieing 2142 for very little money