Unlike previous boosters this adds a completely new feel to the game, value from $5-$12 really not bad...read more below

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike PC
I gave previous EA boosters a 2 but this one I have to give very very high, the new maps are better then the usual lame stuff we get from ea since release of bf2, the maps are not amazing but they ok, but definitely better then I expected… now for the good stuff : new game mode “conquest assault lines” in my eyes will hopefully in the future completely replace traditional conquest…also the idea of goliath is more of an addition of game mode then vehicle, unfortunately I wish it would be a little bit harder to destroy, after someone knows how to destroy a goliath it takes 10 seconds : ( …..
new unlocks are genial and coming this from me is not a small thing , I’m a very big critic of the BF series.. near every of the new unlocks is a great idea, although some don’t give you much of the good stuff … for example the new boots only give you a 3 second faster recharge from 15 to 12, same for the leader spawn time 12 seconds from 15, but the rest of the unlocks are really useful…
vehicle(s) : actually there is only 1 the speeder.. and it’s a great little vehicle, for 1 or 2 guys usable.. the goliath I see more like a mobile camp/fort, you don’t use the goliath to move from A to B but to defend a flag till its captured and then do the same at the next flag.. price and ealink : buy it on ebay, it cost less and you don’t have to deal with annoying showelware ealink.. I paid $8.81 (11AUD) on ebay directly and free delivered to my email address, then just used the 160mb setup.exe (downloadable with out ealink) to install it.. so I have to say at a prize range from $5-$12USD this booster has an excellent value , it feels like an expansion, in fact I doubt I will ever play NON northern strike 2142 ever again, as vanilla 2142 I think is really weak game as you can see in my 2142 review… so buy the booster it gives new life to you dieing 2142 for very little money