Battlefield 2142 is an awesome class-based multiplayer game, and is a great follow-up to Battlefield 2.

User Rating: 8 | Battlefield 2142 PC
Battlefield 2142 has a boring single-player, but the cream of the crop is multiplayer. You can have up to 64 players(48 in titan mode, but it can be modded to allow up to 64) in a match, and it is very intense. The best part of the multiplayer in my opinion is Titan Mode. In Titan mode, you must lower the defenses of the enemy titan(a huge carrier ship in the sky), by activating missle silos. After the shield is gone, you must continue firing the missles at the ship, or you can go into the enemies' titan, destroy the 4 security panels, blow the ship up from the core,and then get the heck out of the ship before it explodes. Very fun gametype. What is also very nice is the rewards system. When you rank up, you have the choice to get an unlock. You can choose what upgrade you want for your character. Ths system is very good, and the upgrades help your character alot. The graphics are great, sound is good, and the overall gameplay is great. The only problems I have with it is that the load times are long(I once waited 5 or 6 minutes to load up a game), and that it isn't too much of a departure from BF2. However, I recommend you pick this game up ASAP, you WILL NOT regret it.