Really good!

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield 2142 PC
Jumping ahead to the demo release of 2142, I generally enjoyed the game - Titan mode was a lot of fun and a nice change, but like I read elsewhere, it "seemed like a B2 mod" - nothing more. I wasn't so sure I would get it when it was released.

But, of course I did (as I do with any game that seems like it might interested me for at least an hour). As I played the game, I really began liking it more and more. The persistence of your soldiers was an excellent addition and it had me longing for my next epic... I mean, gear upgrade. After a while, I noticed that I actually play B2142 much different than I played B2, which I didn't think was going to be the case.

To give you an example, I played a Support kit and obtained the automated turret machine gun (forgot what they are called, - a Sentry of some kind). While on the roof of a building, I positioned this gun to cover an area behind me so that I could lay at the corner shooting down at others without having to worry about someone sneaking up behind me and slicing me from ear to ear. This added a great deal of enjoyment for me as I would hear the machine gun fire, and turn in time to see it cut my would be assassin down. This was something I had not experienced in B2 - being able to make myself prone to a certain direction knowing my pet... er, gun was watching my back.

Anyway, with many many hours under my belt already now, I am finding this game very enjoyable. In fact, I uninstalled B2! Not to say that B2 will never be played again - there is just something I love about present-day-ish combat fields, gear, guns and vehicles. But I know for some time to come, when I need to jump into a game and cut down other people online, it will be via this game.

If you have $30 to spare, and like B2, you should probably give this a try.
