Okay if you like the Battlefield series, otherwise, get Fronltlines.
User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield 2142 PC
This game is the perfect one for the many Battlefield fans out there, but for those that aren't, don't get it. It has a horrible single player which is just online with stupid bots, [why do my own teammates run over me, WHY???]. Those that don't have online, lay off this game. This game is a real blast to play on a 64 player Titan match. If you are lucky enough to experience that, get ready for bullets flying everywhere, the kill tracker going on hyperspeed, and your reputation as the best ship flying-missile dodging guy ever to plummet into the ground, hit a concrete wall, and fall over a cliff. Seriously, I tried to pilot a ship out of my Titan, and I got vaporized by about 10 missiles!!!! Which warrants another critisicm: if you are a noob, you will stay a noob. EVERY SINGLE SERVER IS FILLED WITH NERDS WHO PLAY FOR ABOUT 10 HRS A DAY AND ENJOY SNIPING YOU FROM OUT OF YOUR SIGHT!!!!! USUALLY, IF YOU WALK OUT IN THE OPEN, AN INVISIBLE SNIPER WILL HEADSHOT YOU!!!! But on the bright side, playing with your friends on the same team and squad is sweet. Get if you have multiplayer and enjoy Battlefield, don't if you don't have multiplayer or hate Battlefield.