I love this game so much, I was always a COD player. But once an old friend introduced me to Battlefield ....
When End Game was released, I forgot about the old game modes and maps for a very long time. But once I played about 20+ hours of End Game, I went back and played a few old maps and modes, still loved them! I think the only mode that really makes me angry is Air Superiority. I was never a good jet flyer, I prefer the helicopters - and I get serious gaming rage when I play (so much to the point that my boyfriend leaves the room) and that mode just really seems to annoy me. So i don't really play that mode anymore. But the rest are amazing.
I enjoy the fact that there are so many assignments, so you have things to work towards. Makes it so much fun. Of course there is also the trolling, that is always a good laugh. I do a fair bit of trolling sometimes, but I love watching it happen to other players ... hahaha.
Overall - I rate this game 9. It would be a 10, if it wasn't for Air Superiority. That has to be the only thing I dislike.
As much as I love this game, I cannot wait to BF4. It just looks incredible!