Game formula has been used to death, Single Player is too short and not exciting enough.
SinglePlayer: 7/10
The SinglePlayer was decent, the majority of the time nothing exciting was happening and the story itself was poor, the only level i enjoyed was when you take command of a fighter jet, but even this level was not as good as it could be due to the fact that you do not take control of the navigation of the jet and merely control some of the weapons.
Multiplayer: 0/10
If you purchased the game Pre-Owned you cannot play Multiplayer unless you pay, I am not interested in paying for something that everyone else gives for free, I may have liked the multiplayer but they did not even give me a chance to play it so how would i know if it is good? i will not support EA and their greedy methods.
Graphics: 8/10
Compared to other FPS games the graphics are above average, It is still far from the best looking game but they are definitely good looking.
Overall the singleplayer was decent even though it lacked immersion and only lasted 5 hours, I was unable to rate the multiplayer do to the fact that EA requires you to pay a fee if the game is not new, Overall the game is not worth even close to full retail price, especially if you don't plan to play online.