Boring 'n bland Single Player,a almost non-existant co-op mode and an unbalanced MP with barely any good maps.
Unintresting generic military shooter story, terrorists, russians and nuclear bombs as usual. Linear and badly scripted levels, lots of quicktimes event and brain dead A.I.
It's only 5 hours long and i suggest you avoid it at all costs, it's so far the worst military shooter single player ever made.
Co-Op :
It almost doesn't even exist since it only has 5 maps, the co-op missions are a lil bit better then the SP since you have a lil' bit more freedom approaching your objective and you'll also have a online friend following you around.
Multiplayer :
The map design is better then in Bad Company 2 but still not good, only 2 or 3 maps feel like battlefield maps. The rest feel like maps taken from an 'other' military shooter. The ranking up and unlock system is horrible, if you're a newcomer you'll never get a chance to use any of the Air vehicles since you'll get shot down instantly because you're lacking vehicle perks. Some vehicles are even compleatly useless without some of the perks, the jet is a good example; all you can do is use your machine gun and thats it, no bombs,rockets,flares or anything, so you're pretty much a giant target flying in the sky, just waiting to get shot down. Still, even thought the MP has a lot problems it can still be fun sometimes but most of the time it's kinda dull and boring, the mp is not nearly as good as in the old classic Battlefield games but it's at least better then Bad Company 2's MP.
Graphics :
Textures look fantastic,light bounces around almost photo-realisticky and the animations are smooth and beautiful, the bad part is, since the game looks so realistick, it's almost impossible to tell what's going on in the game alot of times. Theres so many lens flares and effects on the screen, you'll get confused and lost alot of times since the effects will literally blind you!
Sound :
The Sound well... sound pretty damn good, only thing i can really complain about is the fact then it brakes down sometimes, many times i found myself with no sound for a few min or seconds while in-game, googling this issue didn't help me much, it's sad then DICE still hasn't fixed this problem. Not many users have it but i do, hopefully DICE will fix this sound issues one day.
Overral :
Battlefield 3 is a bland and boring game and you should NOT buy it, it offers nothing new to the series. It's just more the same, with better graphics, worser map design and more simpler gameplay. I suggest you pick up some of the older BF titles, likes Battlefield 2,Vietnam or 2142