Here is my honest opionion...

User Rating: 7 | Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition) X360
Well I got the game at midnight release and quickly hopped on mutliplayer to start leveling up my Engineer class. As a new comer to the series, after playing the Beta I knew what to somewhat expect. Besides falling into invisible holes, having no sound and using vechicles its basically the same thing as the beta.

The graphics are crisp and brilliant. The landscapes and lighting are flawless, but its no way groundbreaking graphics like they said it would be, even after D/Ling the Texture Pack before playing the game. Im not saying they suck, the colors and lighting blend in well and does its justice, its just not ground breaking.

The sound is what makes this game so great. Playing on a 51" Plasma with six Bose speakers really makes this an awesome experience for audio.

I wanna focus on mulitplayer here...First off I think they needed to add a mode where you can practice driving vechicles and flying planes. It takes ALOT of practice for people like me who are new to the series. Your better off being a passenger. The second thing that bothers me is the maps are way to big. Im not saying I dont like big maps, im just saying running 400 meters towards an objective only to get picked off by a camping sniper is very frustrating, then doing it all over again. Yes I could respawn next to a squad member but the chances of getting spawn killed are high. Playing it safe and respawning back at base is good cause no enemy is in the area, but if there is no trasportation, your gonna have to beat your feet and run back to the battle.

One thing I noticed from my teammates that not many of them know how to use thier dedicated classes. For example I havent seen one medic kit dropped by an Assault class user, or an ammo replinish pack from the Support class. Basically if your team is not on the ball, you will not win, so teamwork and stradegy plays a huge role here.

I also think there is way too many snipers in this game. Out of my 130 deaths thus far, I can probaly say 80-90 of my deaths was from a sniper. I mean out of 24 players more than half are snipers. And camping is actually a good stradegy in this game, and Im not complaining about that.

Overall I really dont know how to think of this game, just what I've experienced so far it def has its pro's but the con's stand out more for multiplayer. Some of the guns dont feel accurate esp the SMG's and the LMG's. Hit detection is flawless by the way...they did a good job with that.

I'll contuinue to play BF3 until MW3 comes out and see if I have a change of heart, but as a new comer to the BF series, I think its alot of fun and a nice change of pace for a war FPS, but overall its not the game they hyped up to be.