First off, I have already reserved my copy of MW3 so this isn't a review from some BF3 groupie. I have always liked the Call of Duty campaigns better than the BF campaigns until BF3. BF3 does an unbelievable job of attention to detail. I'm a former Marine so I can tell you that this game is as realistic as you can get without actually being there. The detail and lighting in this game are amazing but the true shining star is the sound quality. The gun fire, RPG, and explosions are dead on! That also goes for the comments and communtication between the characters. This game is meant to be played with headphones, thats how I've been playing it. Because of the stunning graphics and top noch sound, you really feel like your in the boots of these marines. But enough of the cosmetic side of the game and lets talk about how it plays! This is the first time I've played a BF game and actually compared the gameplay to the Modern Warfare series. If i could remap the buttons the way they are on MW, it would almost feel identical in regards to gameplay. Firing weapons is smooth, accurate and as close to Modern Warfare as you can get. However that being said, i still like the way the buttons are mapped out on MW. It seems like EA took some notes from Modern Warfares success and implanted them in BF3 but had too much pride to admit that Modern Warfare button layout is superior in FPS. NOTE TO EA: Next time allow me to both crouch with the "A" button and knife with the right stick. Multiplayer has a much steeper learning curve than MW. You will have to invest many many hours of gameplay in multiplayer before you start racking up kills or completing objectives. Control of vehicles is different for every vehicle type and can be a little hard to remember. Multiplayer is much improved for BF3 and i love the fact that they added close quarter combat sections to many of their maps. You just have to get there and have a squad member to spawn in on. I compare all FPS's to Modern Warfare because nothing has even been close to the gameplay of MW until now. The multiplayer of BF3 can be enjoyed by both run and gun types and those good old sniping campers. I will definitely alternate between BF3 and MW3 this holiday season. In the past, i would quit playing any other FPS once Modern Warfare or Call of Duty came out. So to all you BF3 and MW haters; WHATS WRONG WITH LIKING BOTH GAMES! I will own them both and play the hell out of both. In conclusion, BF3 is a MUST buy! Make sure to buy it new so you get the DLC included. See you on the battlefield!
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