Visuals & Audio

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition) X360
BF3 has an excellent multiplayer experience that you cannot get anywhere else. Face it, no other game offers the scale, teamwork, and sheer beauty that battlefield does. The campaign is no different when it comes to beauty and heart poundingness. Yes, it feels a little too scripted, but the execution is spot on. The place that battlefield 3 shines above and beyond the call is in visuals and audio. The scenery is breathtaking on every landscape (especially when it is being blown to bits) and the sounds your gun makes in different scenarios may catch you off guard by how realistic it is. This game is closer to a war simulator than just a FPS. With that said it still has some flaws, the Co-op could and should be more open for tactical combat instead of just giving you a gun and telling you to kill everything that walks. Also there are some early server issues that need to be resolved and we can all tell that EA and DICE are working on that because they have turned off all the servers multiple times today for maintenance.
Overall I give Battlefield 3 a 9.5 out of 10 because it is innovative, daring, beautiful, and sounds like it will rip your head off. These are all things we want in a game and a new supercar, and aside from a few technical issues, this supercar is the Bugatti Veyron of video games.