Bf2 reborn, finally a PC shooter!

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield 3 PC
This game simply put, is battlefield 2 reborn. It isn't a piece of crap console game like Bad company 2 that was put on PC. This game is just as good if not better than I expected.

Graphics : 9.3
Sound : 9.5
Fun : 10
Campaign : 8.9
Online Multiplayer : 9.8
Functional Correctness (Bugs, launch, Server issues etc.) : 9.7

Total score : 9.5

The game is amazing and is a sure buy, and I would not recommend buying this on a console, the true battlefield experience is best experienced on the PC as it has always been.

If you are a call of duty fanatic, this game is probably not for you, but if you enjoyed Battlefield 1942, 2142, 2, 1943, or Vietnam, this game is for you.

Vehicles are very well balanced, all vehicles have a counter weapon, and all vehicles can be taken down by a skilled engineer. All classes are very well balanced, and are all very fun to play. A few minor changes effect a pretty big problem I've had with past battlefields. Similar to spec ops in bf2, now the c4 charges are given to Support class, rather than recon which to me makes much more sense, beings as a sniper you aren't going to be running into the enemy's buildings to blow them up with c4 or getting anywhere near a tank for that matter.

Assault, recon, support and engineer classes all have their benefits.

Engineers can blow stuff up using a wide array of weaponry, and they can heal vehicles. They also have the use of a remote controlled car type thing that has the ability to plant and diffuse explosives in the rush game mode.

Support has the ability to prone and use the weapon bi-pod to have dead on accuracy with their LMG's but are left slightly vulnerable to people sneaking up behind them, as the bi-pod's restrict camera rotation, they also have the ability to distribute ammunition, and use an unlock-able Mortar.

Recon is the classic sniper class, that has the ability to snipe and put down spawning beacons for squad spawn. They also have the use of other gadgets that I have not yet been able to use or see what they do, but now to add realness, in Bf3, if you are sniping where light can reflect off of your scope, it does and it is very obvious you are sniping from the location. It only happens when you are facing something that is very well lit, and will give you away, just as it would in real life.

Assault has the ability to heal team members, revive, and generally have the strongest mid-close range rifles in the game. They also have other gadgets that I have not yet unlocked or have seen.

In all, each class has it's purpose and a well balanced squad has one of each to do all the dirty work that needs to be done on the battlefield.

The game truly is amazing, and I hope this review will be the last little push that you needed to buy it.

See you all on the Battlefield(3)!