Bad @ss game. I think its above and beyond the call.
-The single player story is typical but still fun if you enjoy single player gameplay
-The CoOp gameplay is stale but still cool that battlefield has added this feature
-Multiplayer is badass. crap load of guns, attachments, tanks, jeeps, jets, you name it they got some crazy vehicle that is bound to cause some chaos
-Huge maps, and the game modes are awesome. I recommend playing Rush.
-Sick gun stats and platoon creations at
-sometimes hard to see enemies
-Lags here and there but thats just the servers
- some of the guns could use damage fixing, some are too powerful and some are weak as hell. Im sure they will fix this with the next update patch because they are constantly reading their forums over at
In the end if you want a crazy multiplayer with badass vehicles and a crap load of guns this is a must buy. and remember Battlefield is a MULTIPLAYER game, so dont expect some crazy good campaign. I played a lot of Battlefield Bad company 2 and loved it... this is definitely a step in the right direction for the franchise. Play the game and unlock your favorite guns and attachments and youll be addicted. cheers