well this isn't a SP game......BUT the MP is awesome
Secondly BF series were never about SP ,ya ya BF2 had bots match ups for training BFBC2 had a fun campaign and BF3 has a single player campaign which is straight forwarded no choices no free roam just move forward and shoot , I don't see the issue here because i knew about that because this is the type of game that focuses more on MP. NOTE if you buy this GAME for the SP campaign better not buy it seriously you will give it a bad rating and you will be disappointed by this game.
To the review:
- Graphics and optimization- before mentioning anything i will present my rig : more than 4 years old intel quad core 2.3 GHZ, 6 Gigs of RAM , a NVIDIA N465GTX twin frzer II , antec 9 hundred , a 300 GB Seagate Baracuda hard disk, 22" LG monitor, win7 64, Asus P5B motherboard--BF3 works on my rig, this rig on high to ultra setings , using ultra settings anisostropic to 8 or something and MSAA or something to 2 on sp campaign and high to ultra on MP campaign.....The game is very good optimized and the tranzition from Origin browser to battlelog to the game is smooth (i will talk about the mp part later) .........THe graphics are amazing altough you may notice some bugs like people half in the ground ......... the game looks amazing and works amazing on a 4 year old pc , Dice did a great job with Frostbite 2.
- Gameplay (SP+MP)- This game doesn't shine when we talk about the sp camapign, the AI isn't good, you get shoot alot even if you are in a team i think that your character is a bullet magnet, the voice acting is good (didn't expect less from EA) as well as the lips sync, no memorable characters like in BFBC2, some bugs and strange deaths , the story is ok;
- This game does SHINE when we talk about MP , some had some issues with it but i didn't, maybe because i've received my copy on 27.10.11, the only sorrow is that it is hard to find an empty server or that isn't passworded, it took me 10-15 mins to find one (64 players :D and i did play 4 hours) , but the game is the best fps mp experience I had , I may not be the best player but it is fun and the amount of customization is amazing , and for a mp shooter it looks amazing and plays amazing, the vehicles are awesome to use like in every BF game and when you see them run FOREST or blow the hell out of them. THE solution for the "flying objects" is using guided missle launchers :D....Origin isn't the best choice for this game and browsing servers from a browser like mozila, Opera, IE , G chrome or whatever you use seams kinda strange and unpractical , but it is smooth , I had no issue with it (i leave in Romania and we have a good Internet connection , don't know how this thing can affect others), one other thing that this Origin does is that you are forced to have only one game profile=one soldier per origin profile , so to have more than one game profile/soldier you need to buy another BF3 game (that sounds stupid but this is the situation at this moment).....BF3 stayed true to it's ruts and didn't disappoint bringing what I did expect an imersive and fun MP experience that raised the bar for MP shooters ....
- Gameplay is balanced, you don't need to be lvl 50 -60 or whatever to compete with others , even as a level one player you can make a difference, some weapons may be overpowerd and my main concern was because of the warfare pack and that DAO gun beeing used excessively by everybody but it seams i was wrong....
- Sound+music+sound effects- Well i didn't expect less from a BF game the sound effects are amazing , you can hear every bullet passing over, every gun shoot , every movement, even "your" heart beating.......If you liked BFBC2 sound effects you will love BF3 for that.....
BF3 may not be the best SP game but when we talk about the MP part of the game things change and you get amazed by the work that DICE made.......An amazing game , even the SP has it's moments but the best thing is the MP and most of us wanted the game for MP...........NOTE DO NOT BUY IT ONLY FOR SP, you will waste your money , buy it because of the MP and then because it has SP and CO OP , aftherall BF games are about competition and team play...............SEE you on the battlefield soldier