The Good vs Bad when it comes down to Battlefield 3.
Usually, I'd start off with the good but for this review I want to get the bad out of the way, considering the bad are a lot easier to talk about. Personally, the worst thing about this game to me is the campaign, and I will explain why before hate-mail fills my inboxes. For starters, the story behind the campaign is quite boring and very forgettable. I found myself playing the game for about an hour or so one morning completely forgetting what the campaign was about. Then there's the fact that unlike most games that have a multiplayer focus, the campaign hardly has any moments that prepare he player for the online experience.
Now that that is all off my chest, we can make our way to the good things about Battlefield 3. One of the best things about the game is the visual and sound design, which is one of the first things anyone picking up the game or even checking out advertisements will notice even when playing in standard definition. The interactions with the beautiful world around you and the ability to cause massive destruction either strategically or randomly also gives the game an edge above the competition.
Speaking of the ability to cause massive destruction, I should kind of mention how great and flexible the gameplay is. Though you are of course given the default set of controls, there are many more for just about everything you can do in the game. Be it flying, driving, or even sailing, you can change your controller layout so it fits you better. The only bad thing about it is the fact that you can only change the layout with presets and can't make your own, but then again, how many games on console do that these days?
In addition to the greatness and flexibility of the game is what seems to be Battlefield 3's main focus, the multiplayer. With deep weapon customization, larger than necessary maps (which is a good thing, trust me), improved leveling system and enough unlocks to keep you playing for days on end, there is no doubt that Battlefield 3 hits its mark as one of the greatest multiplayer experiences out there. The competitive gameplay may prove to be a bit more slow paced than other shooters out there, but this is just find seeing as how the game focuses a lot on the aspect of teamwork. When I say that, I mean that in the sense that for the majority of online games (particularly shooters) one person on the team can do just about all the work for a team and win. In Battlefield, the majority of the team has to put forth some kind of effort in order to win. And K/D (kill/death) ratio doesn't seem to matter here for the most part, it's all about W/L (win/loss).
With all of that being said, Battlefield 3 gets a very well deserved 9 out of 10, which makes it a great game to pick up and immediately buy. Don't even consider renting for the fact that if you rent it, you won't be able to play online (which is pretty much the reason to own this game) without purchasing on online pass.
Anyways, thanks for reading this review. If you liked what you saw, be sure to follow me on either my Youtube Page (TrueFreakinGamers) or Twitter (thatSTERLINkid) and share your thoughts on whether you agree or disagree!