Just my opinion. This game sure has a lot of haters tho. I think its because of how difficult it is to level up all of your equipment in the beginning. The good stuff you have to really earn. These run and gun guys just want instant gratification. And new kids get overwhelmed. Those guys are the ones giving abysmal scores. If you like challenging yourself and working as a team with friends, this is your game. Loners can still have fun, but this game really caters to team building. Minus the fact that a lot of the time when you start up mp your friends are put on different teams. That should be patched soon tho. This game, if given the chance, will not disappoint. I've played every cod. I love em. I preordered mw3. I bought this game to show Activision that they have a contender and if they continue to want my money then they need to step it up. Lucky me to have found a very enjoyable game in the process. And again, the comparison of these 2 games is pointless. Two very different styles of play. You decide what you like. But seriously, anyone who gives this < an 8.0 are either cynical or one of those guys who keeps crashing my chopper! XP
Other Helpful Reviews for Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition)
I like to preface my reviews by saying I'm not a fanboy. I'm a freaking gamer. I own over 50 games for Xbox 360, and a laundry list of PC games. I don't have a PS3, but I think it's a great system. I don't judge base... Read Full Review
I was actually suckered into the hype for this game this time around. The impressive visuals in the trailers, the intense fire fights and the promise of an interesting story. I got none of that in the final package. T... Read Full Review