Only newcomers or players in denial think Battlefield 3 is good.
Single player has been always been tacked on, however this one is pure garbage. The last 2 were fun and allowed you to just go wherever, follow the objectives, use a map, get in vehicles, etc.Timed button presses ala Gods of War to progress the action is what you get in this singleplayer. At least BC+BC2 allowed you to blow everything up. This game is so linear, even the explosions are limited to only what you have to destroy and it feels like CoD. Endless waves of enemies that just appear out of thin air, unless you advance a few feet to end the spawning. It's a do this do that experience. They didn;t even polish the crappy singleplayer. There is white screen issues, floating textures. It's just crap.
The multiplayer is a total mess. If your on PS3, the controls have horrible aiming, twitchy at times, massive acceleration and can't aim down the sites well as the reticule gets away from you. Try running and aiming where you are running, like up stairs. The controls are so crappy, your turning the stairs and actually over compensating the direction because it has no gradual increase of control. You end up having to flick the stick to get the damn reticule where you want to stop it. The ALPHA for PS3 didn't play like this and the PC is, well, mouse and doesn't have this effect. To all those that say this is gun weight, you don;t know what your talking about. The servers dump you from games, the lag, stuttering players,rubber banding, hit detection is frustrating to play through. Most of everything in game DOES NOT GET DESTROYED. Only certain structure gets destroyed with c-4 or heavy arms, but you don't know what, and that allows players to camp structure. Plastic garbage cans don't even move when you shoot them, they stay stuck lying on the ground so a player can lay prone behind it and can't get shot through it. Tanks even come to a dead stop "thud" when hitting one of those tiny wooden shacks you would store a lawnmower and a pail of water.
The maps are major camp fests. I like tactical shooters, but every map is the same, Offense: travel 1/4 mile with nothing but a ton of wasted landscape, get to the area where you start to go prone, try to find defense hiding in shadows, prone on railings, prone on something they jumped onto and found a way to go prone while hiding behind trees, camped in buildings you can't destroy. Defense: wear black skins, hide. The limit of 12 players per team, adding prone, slows the game down considerably, and you can run a mile and not engage anyone then get shot by a lone player, prone between 2 rocks in total darkness. This is why there is no prone in Bad Company, it keeps the game moving, penalizes players who want to spawn camp by allowing them to be at risk, plus you can actually blow holes in buildngs.
You spawn with no weapons at times, some maps your spawn camped so as soon as you hit the ground, your shot dead ( no spawn immunity) grenades get thrown over cover and yet explode right in your face, enemy falls over dead 2 seconds after you stop shooting, crates, crates and more crates, some map areas don't leave enough room to fly a jet or chopper and the speed is so slow, you can heavily damage a jet using a mounted gun. Squads get left in lobby while one person is in the game, voice doesn't work or is garbled badly, squads get split up to separate squads or even the other team.
In the first 4 hours of play, there wasn't one time I felt that " Man this is cool" feeling. First time I played Oasis in the Bad Company 2 Beta, I saw a vehicle take an rpg just as it tried to go over a small incline and it exploded in mid air, doing a cartwheel over my head and exploded. That is what you get in Bad Company 2. So far nothing like this in BF3
Go to Battlelog and sign in, endless PO'ed customers who took it in the buttocks with the mess we went through with BC2 when that started, and now this. I hate CoD, so this very disappointing. EA/DICE obviously wanted your $60 before CoD came out, just to beat their release. They didn't get mine as I brought the game back and got my money back. EA/DICE are failing more and more with each release, having Alpha and Beta testing with a little over a month before disks get pressed, and we all knew we were going to get an unfinished buggy game. The small game patch that was available at midnight on release date did nothing to improve anything. People are still glitched into to map when laying prone and you can see their player models sticking out of structure. Bad Company 2 is still more fun, go play that, trust me, hands down a much better game.