Battlefield 3= fun, exhilarating, realistic visuals and sounds
User Rating: 9 | Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition) X360
Battlefield 3 is such an amazing game that I was left with my jaw dropped to the floor and my mouth grinning so much it got to the edge of my cheeks. The single player is extremely fun and it takes a good amount of time to beat. The story is great; certain games do not have as much of a story as Battlefield 3 does. The first thing I notice is the graphics. They are wonderful. The people look so realistic that I thought I was watching a movie. The guns look nice and the scenic route through Paris, New York, and the Iran-Iraq border were created to look like the real thing. The details in the buildings being destroyed, the flying through clouds while in jets, the destruction and explosions of vehicles, all are very realistic and entertaining. The other thing I notice is the sound is exactly the same as if it were actually on the battlefield, way better than any other video game, maybe even movie. With every explosion from RPG's, every bullet flying past your face, every jets engine fueling up getting ready for take-off, they all are made to resemble real life. If you have a headset you are in for a ride. The multiplayer is even better. After finishing the amazing story mode, there is more that awaits in the addictive multiplayer that makes people say "Just one more game mom!" The graphics and sounds are great and the ability to fly jets, helicopters, drive tanks, all that good stuff makes the game even more enjoyable. Other games do not allow driving vehicles but that is what makes Battlefield even better and different from any other game. Conquest, rush, death match are much more improved and the maps are just marvelous. The only minor thing is the part when trying to assassinate someone in the single player is not very well made because you keep on pressing A or RT etc. and it takes approximately 8 seconds when all you need to do is knife them but it is fine. It does not change my thought on how amazing the game is. So if you are looking for a fun, exhilarating, realistic visuals and sounds kind of game, you will not go wrong with a game like Battlefield 3!