I agree with this one the game is worth it the problem is with the multiplayer. So focused on it and forgot one basic...

User Rating: 8.5 | Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition) X360
I agree with this one the game is worth it the problem is with the multiplayer. So focused on it and forgot one basic... the new comers. I'm no new player so im not scared. I understand what im doing, most of the times. The problem is with new people being introduced in the game. The game is so complete that the curve is so steep that its hard to get used to. If you played bad company 2 you get the basics, but still there is the issue for new players.

The gamplay has it all killing, weapon customizing, visual customizing (basic but there it is), vehicles, more killing, the frostbite engine, explotions, excitement, VoIP, quick match building, more killing, gravity for bullets, four different classes,3 different multiplayer stiles, a huge arsenal at your disposal (including gadgets), animated and non animated melee kill (wich i hated btw), even a lot more killing.

The multiplayer is squad oriented no matter what game you are playing: conquest (control points), rush (attack deffend target) or even team deathmatch (most ppl fav kill everyone onsight) its the same you need to stay comunicated for you and your team to win. Solo players are rare to find and usually not as highly rewarded as a team players are.

You wont hear people crying on your speakers all the voice chat is through the headset and only for your squad.
If you dont have one dont worry its not 100% necesary the game flow is fast and easy to read so you'll get what's going on and what to do next.

The graphics are thought for HD TV with the HDMI cable; if you dont have one... don't bother you wont be able to see a thing all is blurr here blurr there o look another blurr. In an HD TV with the cable you will be able not only to see everything but youll be blown away by the graphics and the audio.

Without the cable conform with the campaign and be happy you got to finish it its hard to see with out the HD graphics.

Well thats all for now ill update if i have any other comments.
Leave your comments and ill take them in consideration.