Quickly put to the unplayed pile.

User Rating: 7 | Battlefield 3 PS3
I wanted to like this game. I waited in line at midnight on launch day, got home, and found out on installing it that there was already a 200 meg patch. What a bad sign to start with - didn't I and thousands of others play a beta?

Another bad sign, it has an online pass code. Great, an online community that's probably going to get smaller and smaller as time goes because EA hates people who buy used or rent.

I bought it for online so I can't really comment on the single player, only to say that from what I played, it's awfully scripted. Enemies appear in the same spot after you die and well, that' just lazy programming.

As for the multi-player, for me its just not as fun as a game like Black Ops, its a simple as that.

I realize it's different, it's team based, more realistic - that's fine, but it should be fun. I have more fun with my friends with Black Ops and I'm gonna bet I'll have more fun with MW3. I'm already having more fun with Goldeneye Reloaded for Pete's sake.

Also, I thought this game was supposed to be about being able to blow stuff up? Most of the buildings aren't destructible. Disappointing.

As for the graphics, they don't blow me away like they did in the adverts. I guess the ads were of the game from a suped up PC.

Another problem I have with the game is, there's simply not much to it. It seems light - there's only 5 game modes and that gets boring quickly.

I get the impression that more will be available for the game, but at a price. I paid $60.00 for this game, give me a bunch of maps and a bunch of gameplay modes. I did not feel like I got value for my money, like I did when I bought Black Ops.

I got the limited edition and I guess at some point, I'll get 4 extra maps and everyone else who got the regular edition will have to pay $10.00 for them. What a crock. Those maps should have been included with all versions. I guess EA is hard up for cash.