Good Campaign (sorry SP haters, I like it) Multiplayer is amazing. Most realistic smooth shooter I've ever played!

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition) X360
The campaign is very good being that it is the first serious campaign Battlefield has ever done. BC1 and BC2 were extremely fun campaigns but weren't serious. The previous Battlefield games 1942, Vietnam, 2, 2142 (played all of them on pc) were only 16 player sized maps fighting against rather unchallenging bots.

Multiplayer (Expect your heart to skip a beat occasionally) Some minor glitches, does not tarnish the platinum level gameplay. I actually find myself ducking bullets and flinching during gameplay. Teamplay if you want to win, if you solo don't expect to win this isn't CoD. Knife takedowns are immersive and actually realistic AND gratifying. I like how if you hold the melee button you can take your knife out permanantly and then do quick attacks. Realistic in being that it takes a couple of quick attacks to kill (No big-toe stabbing, instakill knifing of CoD) Bipods add a whole new level of realism to sniping, and suppressing with LMG's.

My Final Score
Singleplayer: 8.75/10
Multiplayer: 10/10

Sorry Call of Duty, I've played every single one of your games since Classic in 2003 (PC Only), and every single Battlefield game, and with what I've seen of MW3, this game takes the cake. Must buy if you have XBL, if you don't have gold and only get games for campaign, this might not be the best for you.(Still pretty damn fun though)