A lot of hype, all for nothing. The fundamentals that make a game great, are non-existent in BATTLEFIELD 3. Can't understand all the hoopla, about this game & the comparison's to MW3, there simply is no comparison. Then again, I guess a good way to generate interest about your game is to try and shine it in the same light as the best game in the genre. The user rating of MW3 on this site is simply ridiculous, & proves that MW3, is the better game. BATTLEFIELD fans are running to support their interests, commendable, while MW3 fans are too busy actually playing their game. Reminds me of the saying, "BEHIND EVERY SUCCESS STORY, LIES A PACK OF HATERS!" I believe worldwide sales, will put the debate to rest. It took the CALL OF DUTY series, many games to get where it's at, so BATTLEFIELD and it's fans, shouldn't be discouraged, keep working, and hopefully "YOU WILL GET IT." I must thank EA for one thing though, the release date. At least coming out before the new CALL OF DUTY game, gave me a chance to get some of my ill-spent money back, when I traded BATTLEFIELD 3 in for MW3, thank you for that, least you could of done.
Other Helpful Reviews for Battlefield 3 (Limited Edition)
I like to preface my reviews by saying I'm not a fanboy. I'm a freaking gamer. I own over 50 games for Xbox 360, and a laundry list of PC games. I don't have a PS3, but I think it's a great system. I don't judge base... Read Full Review
I was actually suckered into the hype for this game this time around. The impressive visuals in the trailers, the intense fire fights and the promise of an interesting story. I got none of that in the final package. T... Read Full Review