What Happened?

User Rating: 6.5 | Battlefield 3 PS3
I honestly did not expect Battlefield 3 to turn into such a huge disappointment! With thousands of dollars in advertisements, television campaigns and magazine articles/ads, they truly made this game seem absolutely EPIC! The photos on this website and other gaming websites showed great qualities and advancements in the graphics from previous installments.

I recently just finished the campaign and I honestly felt ashamed I bought into the hype. When the credits began to roll, I sat thinking how I just wasted my time playing a game that was unfinished. Yes, I said it ... Battle Field 3 is an unfinished game! Throughout the game, I noticed one problem after another specifically involving glitches. Soldier AI's running through walls, standing around while their partner was just shot directly in front of them and a few times enemies just randomly spawning behind you.

Game Play: When it came to the actual game play, it was sub-par with the previous installments. The aspect of pressing one button at a given moment to finish a hand-to-hand fight sequence never made me feel as if I was actually involved in the moment. There were too many sequences that the game played out the scene for you and you were literally forced to sit back and wait for the scene to complete.

Character Development: This was poor and substandard. You never got the chance to build upon the character(s) development the way a game like this should have done. The only character you spent more time with was the Sgt in the interrogation room between missions.

Story: Where was the story? Yes, you soon figure out that you are a special task group sent to find and retrieve a set of nuclear warheads that were taken from a Russian warehouse, but other than that, you spend time with conflicting characters that honestly do not add enough detail to add to the plot and leave you guessing what will happen next.

Weapons: I honestly have nothing negative to say about this. They sound realistic, look realistic and they seem to balance well within the game.

Graphics: As I stated before, the graphics had a lot of issues throughout the entire game. Characters would walk through walls or streets, specifically going up or down hills. Some characters would block your path so you couldn't complete your next objective. One mission I played left two friendlies with me standing next to and using as cover a wall that was completely shot out and exposed. The enemy fire was so intense that it somehow never harmed them, but when I approached I would be killed instantly.

I don't want to make this review seem as if it was a endless complaint. There were moments I enjoyed in the game. Other moments seemed to be more of a hassle rather than an enjoyable experience. I would have preferred to play the game and not watch a cinematic throughout the whole game.

All-in-all ... BF3 was a half completed game. If they were not in such a hurry to release the game before the holidays, the experience would have been more enjoyable.