Disappointing (so far)
Extremely unbalanced. Perhaps I should've gotten this game earlier since I am level 1 and 90% of the other players are 30 and higher and I am getting destroyed out there. It is fair to say the lower the level the crappier selection of guns are. Perhaps they'd be better if the iron sights were not so small and blurry. I am dieing to get a red dot. Guns now have recoil something BFBC2 lacked but it is so ridiculous shooting from a far is near impossible even with sniper rifles. BF3 has been clearly down graded for call of duty players to fit in. That annoying shake when you ADS with a sniper is in BF3 as if your player has a serious case of hiccups. TDM is also here but the maps are downgraded greatly and little destructibility. The only decent game mode is rush now since conquest has been changed so much its barely recognizable now . The graphics aren't even that great. Textures are dull and bland and character models look like from a 2006 game. Perhaps my review will change when I progress more in multiplayer but I can clearly see already that Battlefield Bad Company 2 is far superior than this.