first dlc expansion packed only for the fans
Price at $15 for a 4 map pack with several new weapons (with tiers to unlock). A few new vehicles to add to the warfare like the JSF F35 vertical fighter jet. A new mode "conquest assault" - nothing really fancy, just regular conquest (1 side gets to control all CPs and the other team gets another 100 tickets more)
The maps design are slightly better than some of the BF3 maps (metro, Grand bazaar) mixture of urban and open combat but mostly its urban combat with only wake island giving players a revived taste of open warfare. Although the all the map do look quite similiar, mostly were a copy from the remake maps of BF2 and BF1943. Destructible environments are still pretty much the same as the BF3 maps. Still,urban battles will often be fought in tight funnel corridors, enemy teams camping in indestructible covers/building.. etc.
Gameplay wise, the game is still pretty much the same experience as the original bf3. i do find some of the new addition of guns made it imbalance.
This dlc 'expansion' dont really bring anything new to bf3 which is rather unusual practice for DICE. Last BFBC2 dlc at $15 adds a whole new experience and immersion, Back to Karkand is more to a dlc than a full pledge expansion. For $15, this dlc is not recommended, unless you are bored of the original maps.