No support and no fixes for the unfair play in their game. The only way to really win is not to play Battlelag 3.

User Rating: 3 | Battlefield 3 PS3


After taking nearly 3 years off from the game in hopes DICE would finally repair the problems with BF3, I return to find the same old issues. The main change I have seen is that on some maps, out of bounds have been moved in. But on others like rush, the objectives have been moved as well as some vehicles and objects on the maps are gone. The same input lag issues remain as well as the lag cheating. Just last night I ran across people who I walked up behind and sprayed heir back with the MP7 only to get rewarded with my death as they spun around and killed me. Jets, choppers, tanks, machine guns.... all the same. Two full bursts from an A-10 into a tank or a burst and rocket pods and I can barely get a disable. However, a short burst into my tank destroys it. Firing an igla or stinger inro a jet or chopper from me barely gets a reaction but one from someone else into mine at 100% health and I explose into a ball of fire. My countermeasures also do not stop lock on of tracking missles and they just fly straight into my craft when countermeasures are active. The opposire is not true when I am firing at someone else. I am at level 95 trying to reach 100 so I can be done with this garbage. When this game first came out there were people who achieved level 100 within a week. Hacking anyone? That leads me to one other observation. Dice has seemed to abandon this game completely. Claims are made that this game can't be hacked. I call bull@#$t. There are wallhacks that explain why some players will come straight at you in hiding knowing exactly where you are. Aimbots where 100% of their shots hit you and there is no recoil or wander. I have regularly out gunned my opponent only to be killed immediately by less hits. My shotgun takes 3 hits where as opponents takes one to kill. Slug, buckshot... No matter. Previously I could knock aircraft out of the sky with a USAS and exploding shells but now it wont kill one soldier. Im sick of this game, Dice, hackers, and the lack of fair play.

This game is not what it was when I first started playing it. Because of the glitching hacks, modded controller cheats, and lag cheats and some of the issues in the game I have reduced my rating to 5. I left Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops as well as the doomed Homefront game to play Battlefield 3. I got BF3 at the same time I got Black Ops and its funny because I have no urge to play Black Ops anymore or any Modern Warfare game period. We all have heard the hype of BF3 vs MW3 but really I can't see it. Sure I will try MW3 but I can't see any possible way that it is better than BF3.

The weapons could be improved some and the game tweaked as well. Support by EA and Dice was EXCELLENT initially but shortly became nonexistant as it is now. They ask for feedback and don't FIX ISSUES at all now. Before they seemed to be on the ball but now the ball is deflated and on fire. Apparently they are not punting cheating a$$es and hacks out of the game and off the grid.

Right now my favorite multiplayer game is Conquest or basically capture the flag and HOLD IT. I do not care for deathmatch because of the small area and the ammount of people in it. I also can live without team deathmatch as well. The can also keep both Rush games due to the limited and TOO SHORT time to get to the MCOM stations and deactivate the explosive. It is not reasonable to take 5-10 seconds to disarm something that only takes 20 seconds to blow up.

Update: Dice refuses to address the cheat where users use lag. Mainly what they do is join a US server from Brazil or Chile and they dominate due to their lag between the US and where they are. Almost instantly they destroy the game. Where it may take 8 hits to kill someone normally it may take 28 rounds from an entire magazone to kill them. I have seen 3 players and myself shoot at one guy right in front of us and he absorbs it and kills all of us. Just today, (6/9/13) I was in battle with another tank close by. I shot the tank 6 times, one was a guided shell, and the 6th shot disabled it. I got hit 3 times and was killed. The next game I hit a tank 4 times with no disable and he blew me up with 3 shots. In these cases I leave the game as there is no point in attempting to play a one way game where it tankes twice as much for you to win as it does your opponent. Dice/EA has made this much, much worse by elimination the foreign servers so now all the worlds players lag their way into the US servers.

Some of my initial review I guess was made on promise and hope. Some of the main issues are glitches in the game and heavy lag. Shooting through walls that you are not suppose to be able to shoot through. Magically curving bullets. Lag making players almost invincible. I am disappointed in EA and DICE's lack of real support on the cheating They say they are doing something about it but they are not. The same folks with score per minute at 2000 or 3000 is still there. Unrealistic headshot distances. All one must do is look at the stats section of battlelog.

Anyway.... after getting screwed by EA/DICE with Premium promises then pissing on us all when it came time to deliver and the lack of stopping hacking like on Modern Warfare 2, I have sworn not to purchase any more of their games. Medal of Honor Warfighter came out and it STANK and SANK. I will not be buying it. Next is Battlefield 4 and I won't be getting it either. Black Ops 2 is the same old run and gun **** on the same OLD engine with new maps. This is like a new DLC not a new game.

Oh yea, and it has been over a year now and I still am unable to play the single player missions past the Uprising start screen. Read the tech sections of Battlelog and you will soon see its an issue across the entire game. Not just PS3.