The campaign is mediocre and the co-op is fun but short; however, the multiplayer is what really stands out.
Pros: Great Graphics, Forest environments stand out, Good way to get used to the gameplay
Cons: Story is Black Ops in modern times, QTEs, Generic Plot twists, Too much like Call of Duty and not enough like Battlefield, No Jet Flying
The campaign serves as a showcase for the game, it feels like an extended tutorial of the shooting mechanics and tank driving. It's story involves flashbacks, set pieces, Russians, and Russians that want to destroy America. Sounds familiar, right? The gameplay is more like COD than Battlefield. There is a shocking lack of vehicles, you cannot even fly a jet (the jet level is a cutscene). Also, QTEs are everywhere, most notably in killing rats.
Campaign Rating: 5.5/10
Pros: Fun with a friend, Vehicle Level
Cons: Only 6 missions, No split screen, Only 2 players
The co-op can actually be fun with a friend. You can play tactically together on stealth levels or go in guns blazing on a helicopter level. Only problem is the length, there are only 6 levels. There is also no splitscreen, which will suck if you have people over who want to try out the co-op.
Co-op Rating: 7.5/10
Pros: Great Maps, Vehicles make the game much more exciting, Tactics FTW, Jets, 4 classes, Big maps that leave room for exploration, Conquest, Rush, Caspian Border
Cons: No split screen, Online pass, Server Hosting
The multiplayer is hands down the best part of the game. There are 3 modes: TDM, Conquest, and Rush. TDM is for those who only want kills, and Conquest and Rush are tactical objective based game types. The maps are shortened in TDM but are greatly expanded in the latter 2 modes. Vehicles are IMO the best part of the multiplayer. They offer a ton of variety. The only cons are lack of splitscreen (also mentioned above), Online passes, and Server Hosting, which can get annoying when you keep getting into lobbies in which the host wants to last for 3 hours.
Multiplayer Score: 9.5/10