Despite the title'' Battlefield 4" (Would be better as: Battlefield (3) Bad Company 3 ) , this game rock . Graphically, still beautiful , but gap between the 3 and 4 games didn't bring that much, of course for PC enthusiast there's awesomeness(cant event thin about poor guys playing that game on old consoles, it probably suck a lot ). Big difference is from Dice engine , finally everything is destroyable again and levolution bring the warfare to... another level.
Sounds better , single player is really good (especially compared to the 3 ). Levels are less pretentious that many of the 3 especially the Armored Kill, that bring hugest maps in the franchise were half of it were flat and boring. Gameplay is nicer, refined, feel more comfortable in it , compared to the 3 , finally snipers got there C4 back and commander mode is back from the dead !! A lot of in game character/vehicle/equipment customization, that nice until a limit ... too much camo and stuff add a cartoon-ish children feeling (that i tough would stay only on COD ), I saw a tank with purple/green white camo and thought it was too much... Sure the game need patch up , soo unstable , soo many glitches ... but that became standard for EA/dice games start up ... i guess . Cant wait for expansions and stability ! this game will be a masterpiece !!
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