Battlefield 4 Review

User Rating: 6 | Battlefield 4 X360

I've held off my BF4 review so I can get the full experience and finally made up my mind on this.

Battlefield 4 on the xbox 360 feels a bit unpolished and has issues that shouldn't be within a finished game. Even Call of Duty Ghosts is more polished than this game.

Let's start off with the multiplayer because that's the real reason we buy Battlefield games. Multiplayer is more of the same thing as Battlefield 3. The new maps are for the most part fun and enjoyable with a lot of destruction. The new guns are fun and the attachment system is much more advanced. There are a lot of little things that make BF4 a bit better than BF3 in terms of gameplay. However my experience with the visuals has been sub-par. Things don't render properly or take their sweet time. Sometimes some of environment pieces disappear and reappear. Several times I spawn and my gun is no where and I can't shoot. Other times I see a floating gun with no hands. I have even had one situation where the people didn't render, and I was fighting invisible players (That was interesting). Also the games crashes everyday I play it and I get caught in loading screens. I want to enjoy the game more but its more of the same game as BF3 and it has all the visual problems. BF3's multiplayer was solid and fresh at the time, BF4's is tweaked better but ultimately feels like a updated BF3.

Campaign can be explained as not offensive. It doesn't try anything new but it hold its own for the most part. It is by far better than BF3. You stick with one character which is good and the way the story unfolds is better organized. It has a close feel with COD with explosions and your character gets thrown around a lot. It comes to the point you begin to wonder if this guy has bones of steel. However BF4 actually has a sense of pacing. There are moment where you aren't actually pulling a trigger and it focuses on story and characters. I like that and its something COD NEEDS to learn.

There were a lot of tense moment in this campaign that I really enjoyed, such as your character narrowly escapes death. It gets a bit linear at times but there are part where it opens up. Something that was sort of dumb was how your character never speaks. You're a leader of a team and you never say ANYTHING. No orders and your teammates have to do all the talking. Including ordering YOUR AROUND. It's really kind of silly that the main character doesn't talk, its almost borderline lazy.

I had one main wish within this campaign. I wish there were stealth missions. On top of that you never get a gun with a silencer (at least I didn't), so at the parts where it opens up you can't really stealth it aside from knifing everyone. I had issues with knifing, sometimes I could knife someone but other times I'd be swinging my knife at them and nothing would happen. I'd get caught in these moments where I'd be standing in front of a guy swinging my knife and it doesn't ever hurt them. The only way to kill them is to assassinate them which worked 60% of the time. I also had audio problems where the voices would be jumpy. I didn't happen a lot but it was extremely noticeable and annoying.

Now my last big problem is the ending. I'm not going to spoil it; but things get intense and then it just ends. It wraps up so quickly and doesn't even give a hint of satisfaction. The game could have set up for a sequel or had more missions or have a longer cutscene; it just feels like, "Ok we're done! Let's work on multiplayer!" The campaign overall isn't all that long, but the missions are fun. So the campaign was much better but the ending was a copout.

My final verdict is that this game could be better but it feels rushed and a bit unpolished. The things that are wrong should not have been in a released game. I'd rather wait longer and have a polished game. This is a game you can pass up on; maybe thing will get better if they patch things up. If you have BF3, you're better off playing that. But I stress this again, the issues in this game are not and should not be acceptable. If you are going to get this game, I suggest waiting until it's cheaper.