The single player experience is both an intended and an unintended failure. The team mates will not shoot the enemy. The only time they manage to kill something is if it is scripted to happen or if, once in a lifetime, one of them throws a grenade. This behavior is apparently an intended feature. So is getting sniped by a grenade that an AI throws at you from 150 meters away. Sometimes, your team mates will not shoot at all, for an entire mission. Or sometimes you will be asked to swim and your controls will turn unresponsive or freak out. Sometimes, you will fall through the floor. These are just some of the many bugs the developers never bothered to fix years after the game’s release.
Multiplayer? Multiplayer in games like these is for people who like to lose a lot. Dropping into a Battlefield 4 server means almost immediately getting killed out of nowhere. If having to spend weeks getting slaughtered while you learn every map and unlock all the good weapons, so that you can start having a slightest chance, does not sound like fun to you then this game is not for you.