The sear destruction capabilities alone makes this game worth the money
User Rating: 10 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PC
Battlefield Bad Company is an outstandingly game. It is everything that modern warfare 2 tried to be …and some. Don't get me wrong, I "was" a big fan of modern warfare 2 until battlefield showed me exactly what a first person military shooter should look like. This game has it all; Great graphics, smooth controls, drivable vehicles and last but definitely not lest – total destructible environment. The sear destruction capabilities alone makes this game worth the money; but when you add the other attributes that I mentioned above, this game is excellent. I'm also a big fan of CRYSIS, but I must say, the destruction engine reminds me of CRYSIS, only battlefield is more complete because all buildings can destroyed. here is not much else I can say that hasn't already been said. …this is a short review …If you are a military FPS player, you must have this game in your collection. Cya in battle