A healthy alternative to Modern Warfare 2

User Rating: 9.5 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 PS3
So for a while now I have been looking for a healthy alternative to Modern Warfare 2 in the world of shooting games. God that community is terrible. Anyways I think I found my healthy solution with Bad Company 2.

Sound 23/25
The sound is amazing in this game. Everything just sounds really intense and epicness is just flying all around you. Battles on the field feel really life like when bullets and launchers are being shot at you. The soundtrack in this game is really good as well, making it feel like something bad is going to happen and even when there is no music playing in the background, you get to take in the scenery.

Graphics 25/25
The last time I saw a game look this gorgeous was when it was actually a movie. I mean this game looks absolutely stunning from the second you start your first mission. All the backdrops are done too look like "man I feel like I'm actually looking up a mountain." Everything is detailed to the littlest rock you demolished from a house. The lighting effects makes everything look realistic, and can actually blur your vision. The looks of rocks and dust flying around when you destroy a building looks great and you know you just did work. The character models look great as well with their different character animations and you feel what their feeling. This game definitely is not an eye sore, especially if you have been looking at Modern Warfare 2 for a while.

Story 22/25
I gonna guess it takes place after the first Bad Company, but I never played that one, but after this experience I will probably take a shot at it. All the characters from your previous squad remain intact, and so do their silly one liners and antics. You control Marlowe and roll with your squad through various places. The story was kinda hard to follow and comprehend for me only cause I didn't play the first one, or paid attention to the briefing in the beginning. It was definitely long spite the fact I beat it in one sitting. I pretty much don't wanna give anything away but you gotta stop some Russian superpower from destroying the United States and it is all done very cinematically. Through out it you feel connected with your very smart A.I team mates because they are communicating with you and going back and forth with their jokes even in serious situations. I would definitely play through the single player campaign again.

Gameplay 23/25
If you have been playing Modern Warfare 2 like I have, the controls were a little awkward, but really easy to get used to. In fact I had a hard time going back to Modern Warfare 2. Controls don't seem out of place and are pretty tactical. The feel of everything is slower I guess you would say, then Modern Warfare but when you get used to it, it will seem really fast paced. Everyone said this was more vehicle based but for some of the missions where you had to control vehicles it was kinda hard. It did take getting used to but when you got it down it was a blast. The shooting controls feel really right and responsive and because of my experience in Modern Warfare jumping into Bad Company two was like getting a home cooked meal after being served frozen pizza every day. Yeah I don't get it either. The only complaint I had playing this was that I couldn't go prone. In situations where your cover gets destroyed by a tank and that wall that was protecting you is now a pile of rubble, kind of wish I was laying down behind it. But it's not a big deal because it will prevent camping. Blowing up buildings is fun, a waste of ammo if your not in a vehicle, but it is fun seeing a building come down on your enemy. Most of the buildings in both the single and multiplayer modes are destructible and it is a blast. No pun intended.

Final Word
I apologize for comparing this game to Modern Warfare 2 but when your in the market for a shooter, Modern Warfare 2 is gonna be on the list and for a review you gotta compare it to another game to make it stick out and I think Bad Company two surely does that. I definitely prefer it to Modern Warfare 2 and the multiplayer is a lot more objective which I like and the maps are pretty big as well. It was definitely a nice change of pace for me.