DICE once again has made a sick game! Bad Company 2 is a masterpiece of its own kind, Modern Warfare 2 is its own.

User Rating: 10 | Battlefield: Bad Company 2 X360
Battlefield Bad Company 2 can't be compared to Modern Warfare 2 because Cod is just for campers and lazy people, no affence, im a fan of Cod too. You need a door in a random wall. . . make one by blowing it up! Everything can be destroyed even the ground. Vehicels are fair in the game they don't dominate the battlefield like people fear. Weapons and gagets are awesome. In Cod online you get the AK-47 as your last assault rifle, in BC2 you get it first. The maps are made for everyones likes some have light or heavy amount vehicels, some have none. The Maps are hard to memorize in the beginning, but the player will get use to it. I Love flying Helicopters, they might be hard to control but I mastered them all. ATVs and jetskis are sick as hell. you can take them of jumps or donuts. Fans of Cod say that Bad company 2 sucks because there is no kill streaks like Chopper Gunner.... Hello, you can fly the dang chopper. There are also some really good perks to for vehicels and soldiers. That's it for me, see you on the Batllefield!