wellcome to the company for the 2nd time !!!!!!!!!!!
What made Bad Company great was the fact that it was the first game to include destruction with its FrostBite Engine. In this way players had the ability to destroy sides of a building and leave only its infrastructure at the worst. The game also featured a campaign which was light hearted and entertaining with its humor that gave the game a unique appeal. In its sequel, the game features an update to the destruction with player leveling whole buildings!!!! And anyone unlucky to be in it will perish and will be remembered by their surviving comrades.
The Campaign of the game returns with 13 missions, with a prequel that gave an impression that I was in a different game, heck I thought I was at World at War. The game continues the adventures of B-Company as you travel to many environments and engage the enemy in the most destructive ways or subtle ways imaginable aka. Blow em up or Shoot em up!!! One thing i have to note is that the campaign has a heavier tone and is a lot more serious, but still manages to retain its humor in the most unexpected times, which I am glad that they did because Bad Company is now recognised for its humor and without it'll be some other FPS game.
I am really glad that the game has been updated as well in its visuals, the game looks great and the environment looks at its very best and the scenery is staggeringly immersive and breathtaking. I love how also the environment reacts to bullets and explosions, it is hilarious on how a tree flies up after an RPG hits it.
One thing I like to note to people about Modern Warfare is that the game's Single Player feels shallow and forces you to move to the objective; one direction instead of four. Like in MW, you would just move towards an objective one way. In Bad Company, you can choose to walk there, to drive there with a tank, fly there and so on. The choice WAS yours!!!
Unfortunately, Bad Company 2's Campaign is now a lot more linear, meaning that you will play the game in which it tells you to do so like in Modern Warfare. But the game does not feel shallow, unlike in MW2, where the gameplay speak for itself as vehicles and weapon types are available for Marlowe to use in the Campaign.
The game's multilplayer is THE multiplayer to play this time around. The game manages to, in my opinion, surpass the multiplayer in MW 2, as it does not feel cramped and the fact that people no longer sneak at your back to knife you while you aim around the area. No other multiplayer had been this satisfying as the addition of vehicles and the ability for infantry to actually FIGHT BACK will leave some players less frustrated than in MW2.
Personally speaking, the game just feels better to play, to experience, and to go online in. The gameplay variety (in multiplayer) makes this game a lot more than just a shooter, but an able contender for Game of The Year.
Overall, the game is an excellent FPS and with an excellent multiplayer and a better singleplayer experience. This game is a must have for all FPS players whether casual of hardcore, because the experience it offers is more than enough for the game to leave a mark in you.